Innis & Gunn

Christmas TV includes another show from Oz Clarke ad Hugh Dennis, this time traversing the UK and Ireland searching out "local" drinks for their one night only Pub. Its light hearted and fun, and it exposes the public to the wonder of the craft beer, wine, spirits available on their doorstop.

A Scottish visit to a brewery that use "imported casks to add character to their Ale" could only have been and was a trip to Iniss&Gunn. yippee. I adore this stuff.

I also remembered that I had recently tried two of their special batches, one made in Rum Casks, the other an IPA twist. The Rum was more-ish in the extreme, the IPA fresher but less exciting.
I&G regular has a deep toffee taste, its pithy ale, but when you warm to it, the toffee shines through, all warm ad round. Sometimes I can take or leave hoppy stuff and just want warm malt, deep and chewy. Ad thats I&G. The Rum batch just kicks this on further with more complexity. Delicious.

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