
Showing posts from February 9, 2010

Tesco - Hoegaarden

Well, in Tesco yesterday and they have 4 bottles of Hoegaarden for €7:49...or individual bottles for €1:49.... so thats 4 X €1:49 or €5:96 if you can handle 4 individual bottles in your trolley. Supermarkets are nuts!!


Hello, well, me.... The purpose here will be to keep track of any bargain prices and mystery products I find on my trawls thru Dublin's supermarkets, off licences and speciality shops. I'm forever telling myself to write that down but I never do. So here's a new year resolution in practice. I'm interested in craft and speciality beers, all the good stuff and I might stick in a few threads on my homebrew. I wont be blogging on which supermarket is best for boxes of "bud" or "steller"